Firefighter Wellness Consideration in Fire Station Design
Lynn Reda, principal at Hughes Group Architects, says, “It’s important to have views to the outside and lots of natural light in a fire station, which help reduce the levels of stress and improve both mental and psychological wellness.”
Heightening Today’s High School Gymnasium Experience to a Collegiate-Like Atmosphere
The Herndon High School gymnasium is “inspired by collegiate atmospheres and geared toward creating multi-use spaces that offer a more sophisticated feel for high school players and their spectators.“
Lynn Reda of Hughes Group Architects spoke at the Station Design Conference about LEED certification and creating environmentally friendly and sustainable fire stations.
Arlington County (VA) Fire Station No. 3 Designed to Fit Into Residential Neighborhood
Hughes Group Architects was faced with several challenges in designing and building the Arlington County (VA) Fire Department’s Station No. 3, including a steeply sloping site, a limited amount of site space, and the need to fit it into the residential Cherrydale neighborhood that had some commercial activity nearby.
Compared to most universities, George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., is a johnny-come-lately. Founded in 1957, the school became independent in 1972 and has been known primarily as a suburban commuter school.
Inclusion of multipurpose space is only the beginning. Anticipation of future program changes requires more nuanced design techniques and materials selection.
Out of the Stone Age, Flexible Design Crucial to Recreation Facilities by Wayne Hughes, AIA
Anticipating future utilization is what the best architects do—it’s the exemplar of good design. However, not even the best architects know for certain what’s around the corner, even though a lot of time and trouble is spent during the planning of projects, surveying the student body and reading up on predicted trends.